1935 Hitler Youth Sports Festival Pin (2)

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Product Overview

1935 HJ Youth Festival Participation Badge, replace pinback. Maker Marked,

From the end of 1934 Hitler Youth Sports Festivals were held throughout Germany. Originally called a “Sport-” or “Jugendfest,” after 1937 they came to be known as “Reichsportwettkampf” (National-sport-competition). Hitler Youths who had achieved an above average score in three sports contests were awarded badges with “Ehrenurkunden” (award certificates).  Solid cast aluminum badge, roughly in the form of a vertical oval, comprised of the Hitler Youth diamond with a mobile swastika to its center, surmounted with a spray of oak leaves to either side and “1935” scrolled beneath. A vertical pin-back device is to the reverse, as is the embossed maker’s name.


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