Reich Labor Service Traditional Cap Badge

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The normal Edelweiss flower with a swastika was used by the Hochland district, as worn by the SA,NSKK or HJ, but was not authorized to be worn by the RAD.

The RAD district Bayern-Hochland (the Bavarian province) was actually the first FAD district to receive authorization to wear a badge effective on April 24, 1934.

Two forms exist, varying in size of a somewhat different design.

On April 22, 1934 the first traditions cap badge was created for the Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst (Voluntary labor service).

The Verein zur Umschulung freiwilliger Arbeitskräfte (The Association for the Retraining of Voluntary Workers) was given the authorization of wearing it. When the labor service was transferred into the RAD, the badge was further authorized to be worn by Arbeitsgau XXX, “Bayern-Hochland”.

The insignia consisted of a solid copper-color, enameled oval shield (vertical rather than horizontal), displaying a cornflower-blue Enzian flower, top-ping a white Edelweiss with yellow stamen and green laves (in two colors).

The Edelweiss was the flower that represented the rocky Bavarian Alps, the Enzian was a flower from the rolling hills and alpine pastures. Those who resigned from RAD service were allowed to keep their badge and continued to wear it.
A Verleihungsurkunde (Award certificate) confirmed this.
It is stated on the reverse of the document, “it was a duty to keep the insignia with honor”.
It was not permitted to give it away or even to lend it to others. When the RAD district High Command made the request, the owner was required to produce the document for confirmation that its wear was authorized.

Final picture used with permission of our friends at Valkyrie Historical Auctions


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