WW2 German Panzer Headset Kmf b throat mic (2)

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WW2 German Panzer Kopfhörer Throat Microphone (Kehlkopfmikrofon B). Made of bakelite and steel, this throat mic set is in good condition.

1 of 2 for sale

Fun fact! Early StuG’s of the Ausf A to C models had no intercom system for all the crew members and instead used very crude voice pipes to communicate instructions to the driver only the vehicle commander and radio operator used the dfh.b (2000 ohm) headsets & kmf.b (Carbon filament) throat mikes.

This was quickly improved upon by 1941 on the Ausf. E to G models with the introduction of throat mikes for all crew members, who would plug into the PanzerKasten 23, 23a or 24 (a type of junction box) to relay voice exchanges and listen in on all communications inside the vehicle via a loudspeaker.